Liam Hemsworth mastered the art of brooding as Gale in "The Hunger Games," while also trying to survive in the shadow of Thor's biceps.

About Liam

Born: 13 January 1990
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Liam Hemsworth mastered the art of brooding as Gale in "The Hunger Games," all while trying to survive being the middle child in the Hemsworth dynasty. Sure, his character didn't win Katniss' heart, but let's be honest, he had stiff competition - who can compete with a guy named Peeta who bakes bread? (I still think they should have called his character 'Pita') Outside of Panem, he's spent most of his career playing the underdog, whether it's onscreen or in family wrestling matches against Chris. Liam has also dabbled in the romantic department, famously tying the knot with Miley Cyrus, proving that even in real life, he's not afraid of drama. But no matter what, he'll always be the second-most ripped Hemsworth at the family reunion.

Action Ability

Dodges arrows & emotional baggage, but hasn't quite mastered the art of beating Peeta at life.

Comedic Ability

He's got jokes, but let's face it, his brothers got the bigger punchlines - and the bigger arms.


Every younger sibling who has to follow up the family superstar can feel his struggle.


The sensitive brother. He probably writes poetry and rescues baby seals on the side.

Accent Charm

True blue Aussie charm, though most people listening are thinking, "Are you the Thor one?"


Shares the Hemsworth gene pool, so it's hard to go wrong.

Sibling Shadow

Out of the shadows, but still occasionally mistaken for the buffed-up stunt double.

Romantic Drama

The undisputed king of surviving tabloid love stories; he’s basically a romantic storm chaser.

Hair Flow

A respectable flow, but often overshadowed by Gale’s inner turmoil or Chris’ breezy god-locks.

Ability to Make You Feel Unfit

Definitely in shape, but standing next to Chris makes him look like he skipped leg day (he didn’t by the way).